Monday, November 1, 2010

A new recipe for Nasi Goreng

First of All

I would like to thank all blogger for coming here and keep on reading my blog of all bestest by me
Many of them were uploaded when i feel it like 'i need to blog about it' therefore i provide you all new post please do a favor by giving your suggestion.That's all for any story from you can be also posted in here i will post as much as i can  or myjom go to the same stage as i think
my vision for this blog are making something worthy

and here we go again speaking of you friends speaking like a bird u will devastated by them which fucked up your life
What i talking about ni

firstly cook some oil on the hot plate there put inside together with veggie(kangkong) with (belacan=small shrimp+small chilies+water+go with lesung batu) there are all plus+plus  anchovies fried of with some oil without salt and sometimes we cook with it,then cook belacan with some oil until there come up good smell(and) put inside a slice of garlic & onion my friend there you go the soup is ready..these must be mixed up with a bowl of rice

the chronology of homemade fried rice
O u must always put belacan and veggie first
O and you then can start by frying them first
O anchovies can be replaced with salt
O put some tomato sauce maggie sekali bengap!

Taylor Swift


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